Enable Infrastructure adopt internal track and trace system – TracePass
Enable Infrastructure adopt internal track and trace system – TracePass
10 November 2020
For the past couple of months Enable Infrastructure (formerly known as BCM Construction) has implemented Tracepass in collaboration with STC Global across the Enable consortium. This mobile app is a real-time dashboard designed to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace. For employees, the simple-to-use screening app is used to determine if an employee is safe to enter the workplace. For employers, Tracepass is a secure, real-time reporting dashboard for managing the well-being of those returning to work.
As a business Enable Infrastructure has continued to prioritise the health and well-being of its employees and their families. This value has been maintained during this time by; implementing Tracepass; encouraging staff to work remotely where possible and when office or site work is required, revised office/site spaces have been introduced to ensure the environment is as safe as possible.
Tracepass, along with the added measures introduced has been implemented to reassure staff that their employers are rigorously delivering on their duty of care and will not compromise on the health and safety of their team.
For the duration of this process we have urged staff to complete the simple questions attached to the app each day whether they are working from home, on site or in the office. This means Enable Infrastructure can holistically report on the well-being of their employees, and can assess the health of the overall organisation on a daily basis in order to understand trends, patterns, compliance with HSE procedures etc.
Mark Rushton, managing director of STC Global, said: “At this time of unprecedented challenge and disruption, Tracepass supports businesses to continue operating and trading. Equipped with data that is both timely and accurate, managers can react swiftly in the event of an outbreak and put into practice their contingency plans, along with their support measures for staff.”
Managing director of Tracepass, Arrash Nekonam supported this by saying: “any concerns around the health of individuals are quickly identified and dealt with so as to protect the rest of the workforce at that particular location.”
Enable Infrastructure will continue to use this internal technology to ensure the safety of our staff, their families, and the people they interact with.